1. The army rescued the child who had been trapped on the third floor of the burning building. 2. When I arrived home last night, I discovered that my wife had already prepared dinner for us. 3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting had already begun without me. Turning the radio on yesterday, I heard a song that was 4. When I.. popular when I was in high school. 5. When Anish entered my room, I did not recognize hime because he had lost so much weight and had grown a beard. He looked totally different! 6. They had seen many pictures of the pyramids before they went to Egypt. Grammar Practice: Using the words in brackets, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses. Simple Past / Past Continuous / Past perfect 1. A: What did you do when the accident occurred?
Driving to Alaska can actually take less time than flying there.
The author shares information about Cyntoia's life before the murder to help
readers understand the circumstances that might have influenced her rash
Cyntoia was convicted of killing Johnny Allen after she shot at him after they agreed a fee for sex. She was 16 at the time.
A research into her life shows women in her family in her family had a history of abuse as her grandmother said she was a victim of violent abuse of which she got pregnant and gave birth to Cyntoia's mother who in turn is a single parent and didn't supervise Cyntoia as she grew which led her down the paths of drugs, prostitution and finally murder.
"He stops at a barbershop. His hair is curly and far too long. It is an easy tip-off. People here tend to have straighter hair."
The above excerpt shows how difficult it was to interact with the local population in Oaxaca, especially when an individual, like Enrique, was very different from the natives and seemed to have an exotic experience for them, which highlighted him and did not allow him to fit in. Knowing this and needing to interact and fit in with the population, Enrique, through his intelligence and resourcefulness, realized that it would be positive if he cut his big curly hair, to look more like the local population and to be so out of place among the natives, who used to have straight and shorter hair.
Orpheous motive for journeying the underworld is to bring back his deceased wife, Eurydice, as herself on the world and not a reborn. He wants to plead Hades, the god of underworld, to bring back
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