Scout gets into a fight<span> with Francis for calling atticus a n-word lover. They have to kill a mocking bird movie on netfleix If you wanna check it out. It's a great book and I hated reading it for school but when I actually sat down and read it, </span>I loved it. It's really timeless and talks about issues we deal with even today.
I think it’s either b or c
Think of a couple of fun or exciting things that have happened to you or that you've done and then narrow it down and chose one to be your topic!
compassion, close knitted, caring, understanding
"If you are like me, such a law would be a catastrophe and would only mean one thing: the end of life as we know it"
Illogical conclusions shows a cause-and-effect relationship that does not exist, based on something that doesn't make sense. To find an illogical conclusion, you can ask how the initial information is linked to the final conclusion. Is there any information that supports it?