Answer: Control
Explanation: Control is a target-oriented process required to evaluate the performance of an organization against a laid down standard. It involves setting certain specific targets or standards, Then evaluating or measuring the actual perdormance of the corporation, which is pitted or compared with the target or standard objectives. This is to ensure that company's activities are being performed in accordance with organizational plans and also enable corrective measures to be taken in cases of deviation.
Confucius created his philosophy because he wanted a foundation to establish values. Confucianism is built on ancient ideas about institutions, ideals, and principles. Confucius wanted to bring peace and stability to society. He wanted mutual respect and love towards the public. Confucius' main goal was to teach people how to live with integrity and through his teachings, he tried to resurrect rituals and propriety in Chinese society.
Hope this helps you get started :)
Reciprocal Determinism
Reciprocal Determinism
This is commonly known as the interacting rates of behavior, internal cognition, and environment. It simply explains how our actions are as a result of the environment, individual characteristics, and behavior.
Albert Bandura, a scientist that gave this theory did believed that behavior, internal personal factors, and environmental plays a role to all operations as interlocking determinants of each other.
An example is Children's TV-viewing habits( past behavior), which would influence their viewing preferences (internal factor), in which would influence how television affects their current behavior (environmental factor). The influences are always mutual.
Budaya Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya cultures.The adat asli Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya asli asli. Contoh fusi budaya termasuk fusi Islam dengan Hindu di Jawa Abangan keyakinan, fusi Hindu, Buddha dan animisme di Bodha, dan fusi Hindu dan animisme di Kaharingan; yang lain bisa diambil. tarian Bali memiliki cerita tentang kerajaan Budha dan Hindu kuno, sedangkan bentuk seni dan arsitektur Islam yang hadir di Sumatera, terutama di daerah Minangkabau dan Aceh. kesenian tradisional, musik dan olahraga digabungkan dalam bentuk seni bela diri yang disebut Pencak Silat.<span>
budaya barat telah sangat mempengaruhi Indonesia dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan hiburan modern seperti acara televisi, film dan musik, serta sistem politik dan isu-isu. India telah terutama dipengaruhi lagu dan film Indonesia. Jenis populer dari lagu adalah dangdut India ritmis, yang sering dicampur dengan musik rakyat Arab dan Melayu.
Meskipun pengaruh budaya asing, beberapa daerah terpencil Indonesia masih melestarikan budaya unik adat. kelompok etnis pribumi Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja dan banyak orang lain yang masih berlatih ritual etnis, adat istiadat dan mengenakan pakaian tradisional.</span>
Transaction exposure is High if the two currencies are Negatively correlated.
The reason is that when the two amounts are the same with positive correlation, then the benefit arising from the dollars is equal to losses in chinese Yen. And the net effect will be no profit and no loss arising due to the strengthening of the other.
This means if their is no correlation then the two currencies might move adversely at the same time and the example can be taken by analyzing that Ethiopia is largely independent of making sales to America so the possibility exists that the company will either increase its worth or decrease its worth by the currency movements.