Logan you are my hero, you mean the world to me, if I ever met you, I’ll give you a great big hug
Humans created an imbalance in nature during the dust bowl by killing the Jack Rabbits.
in 1930 the Farmers problem was DUST BOWL PEST. The main problem was alteration in ECOLOGY make way for the pest called JACK RABBIT. It breed at a amazing rate . so more rabbits were formed.
The predators of rabbit were also moved to different place in search of water. so JACK RABBIT population surged more and ruined the crops of farmers and grass. so farmers kill rabbit.
After the rabbits GRASSHOPPERS developed enormously and devastated the fields.The people then sprayed pesticides and controlled them after this another pest developed thus resulting in the intervention of humans life and ecological cycle disturbed.
Do you have multiple choice or is it a free response?
It was the idea of wanting to have the individual states be more powerful than the federal government that guided the development of the articles of confederation, which is why they later proved to be inadequate and were replaced with the Constitution.
Answer: Because New Orleans was a very important trading port. ... The New Orleans was very important for importing and exporting goods;Mississippi River was a major transportation for settlers and good to ship items east.