The declaration opens with a preamble describing the document's necessity in explaining why the colonies have overthrown their ruler and chosen to take their place as a separate nation in the world.
All men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate. These rights include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government. In its place, the people should establish a government that is designed to protect those rights. Governments are rarely overthrown, and should not be overthrown for trivial reasons. In this case, a long history of abuses has led the colonists to overthrow a tyrannical government.
The King of Great Britain, George III, is guilty of 27 specific abuses. The King interfered with the colonists' right to self-government and for a fair judicial system. Acting with Parliament, the King also instituted legislation that affected the colonies without their consent. This legislation levied taxes on the colonists. It also required them to quarter British soldiers, removed their right to trial by jury, and prevented them from trading freely. Additionally, the King and Parliament are guilty of outright destruction of American life and property by their refusal to protect the colonies' borders, their confiscation of American ships at sea, and their intent to hire foreign mercenaries to fight against the colonists.
The colonial governments tried to reach a peaceful reconciliation of these differences with Great Britain, but were continually ignored. Colonists who appealed to British citizens were similarly ignored, despite their shared common heritage and their just cause. After many peaceful attempts, the colonists have no choice but to declare independence from Great Britain.
The new nation will be called the United States of America and will have no further connections with Great Britain. The new government will reserve the right to levy war, make peace, make alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade, and do anything else that nations do.
He sided with Great Britain.
A) Both were commissioned explorers
The book tells the story of a woman who managed to escape death by extending a story for a thousand and one nights.
The book tells that the king of Persia, after being betrayed by his wife, ordered her to be killed and decided that he would take revenge on all women, as from that day on, he would spend a night with a woman and behead her in the morning.
One night he chose a woman named Sherazade to spend the night. She knew that the king would behead her in the morning, so she decided to create a plan, which saved her life. During the night Sherazade told the king a story and stopped during a truning point, promising that she would tell the continuation the next night. The king was curious about the story and allowed her to return the following night. Sherazade continued with this plan for a thousand and one nights, which allowed her to survive.
When the stock market crashed, businesses lost their money. Consumers also lost their money because many banks had invested their money without their permission or knowledge