Greece is governed as a republic parliamentary system and is a constitutional republic
The country had fewer jobs available for immigrants to take.
After the economy suffered heavy losses from World War I, many businesses were closed down from bankruptcy, this led to a shortage of jobs.
Rome has sufficient land for farming and grazing. The river offered both a defense and a route for trade goods to be transported, along with convenient access to drinking, irrigating, and washing fresh water.
Racism, slavery, and the government that legalized behaviors that encouraged those two things.
Answer: Women, Transgenders, ethnic minorities and Homosexuals
Explanation:Most of the Artists found it very difficult to express themselves due to the high level of discrimination against Women, Transgenders, Homosexuals and ethnic minority groups periods before the late twenties.
Most recently, These groups have started to express themselves and their interest following the revised Constitution granting them equal rights as other subgroups.
Previously, they were excluded from main stream Culture due to discrimination,but most cultures are giving them chance to express themselves and act as equal citizens and members of the society.