Yes because I love animals even if I had a pet shark I would be sad
I honestly agree with the first person response. They did a great good explaining things.
code of conduct
Its clearly the supervisor is disappointed and may have the right due to lack of effort by Leticia. Regardless of any situation as a supervisor, you must follow all terms of the code of conduct in a professional manner. Which depending on employer, usually consists of:
Personal behavior
integrity and values
respect for others
These are just a few that are important to know and understand on both sides of employer, management and employees. By shouting out across office, where perhaps other fellow co-workers are present, violates most of these. Any disciplinary action should be in private with supervisor and employee and remain confidential with a written statement signed by both supervisor and employee with a witness present during this private meeting.
Semantic memory is the part of your long term memory which helps you remember words, concepts, and numerical values, which are all essential in understanding language.
B.low self-esteem,she's comparing herself to someone else.