British East India Tea Company
Modern agriculture<span> is a term used to describe the wide type of production practices employed by American </span>farmers<span>. It makes use of hybrid seeds of selected variety of a single crop, technologically advanced equipment and lots of energy subsidies in the form of irrigation water,fertilizers and pestisides.
</span>following does not explain the rise of the modern farming system is <span>small farms are usually more profitable than large farms </span>
Social learning and psychodynamic
The psychodynamic perspective provides an explanation from the a sex and death instinct in the unconscious mind of humans. Social learning on the other hand emphasizes on social situations. From the example, the aspect of trying to recognizing herself as a female and trying to become a skilled one demonstrates psychodynamic approach. Emulating her mother and older sister is an act of social learning.
Ren(concern for others) and Li(appropriate behavior)