c. Attending civic meetings
The correct answer is their. Because his or her wouldn't make sense because it says they, his also wouldn't make sense for that reason, and the other form of there means for example, "over there"
The poet develops the theme by:
1. comparing overcoming the hardships in life to weathering a storm.
In "He Had His Dream" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the speaker describes someone who does not let the difficulties of life determine his fate. Such difficulties are compared, in an extended metaphor, to a storm. Even though the stormy winds are strong enough to almost sink the ship, the man remains strong and hopeful. He tells himself the storm will soon pass, and he will be able to reach his destination when it does. The speaker is thus, comparing overcoming the hardships in life to weathering a storm.
My parents positively influnece me all the time but sometimes they do get a little unreasonable. When my parents are kind and let me do things that I want and give me freedom, I would call that a positive influnce because that makes me feel good and then I want to do nice thing for other people. But sometimes they negativley influence me by letting me watch tv all night and not getting proper rest. Then when I wake up I'm all cranky and don't want to go to school.
Directions: Underline the pronouns in each of the following sentences:
1. <u>You</u> and John are the boys who will have to pay for the damage.
2. Mr. Gunsher gave <u>us</u> the record which was just played.
3. <u>She</u> cried loudly, and each of <u>us</u> heard <u>her</u>.
4. <u>They</u> felt flattered by <u>our</u> attention to them.
5. Everyone followed the directions the faculty members had given each of <u>them.</u>
6. <u>She</u> sent them to <u>him</u> as a birthday gift.
7. <u>They</u> collided near the school.
8. Solving the traffic problems taxes the imagination of <u>those</u> who have the responsibility of it.
9. <u>He</u> says anyone who enjoys driving under today’s traffic conditions must be crazy.
10. <u>Some</u> take up a hobby because it is fun
Pronouns are a word that substitute a noun or noun phrase like she, her, his, him, them, they, our, etc...