Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention” was so effectively crafted that it ultimately led to the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Though powerful words, pathos, and logos, Henry’s speech was able to instill a vehement, earnest, seductive tone in his audience.
Henry’s speech can easily be classified as earnest because he truly believes the messages he preaches. He fears for the prosperity of his home country as England slowly begins to take control of the American colonies. Henry’s trepidations are what sculpt the earnest fear he has for his country. His feelings are alarming yet at the same time consoling to the citizens. It is important that the people understand the desperate circumstances their country is in, but when stating his concern, he comforts his audience by offering solutions to the dilemma: “We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable […] If we wish to be free […] we must fight!” (“Speech to the Virginia Convention” 82).
Patrick Henry also conveys a seductive tone by posing rhetorical questions which make the listeners think about what they truly want for their future. His speech is so well worded that he is able to draw the audience in closer and closer with each word he speaks. His seductive tone is critical to the success of his speech because without it, the listeners would be emotionally detached from his argument. Henry entices his audience by proclaiming, “For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery […] It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country” (81).
Although Henry’s speech could be classified as having an earnest, seductive tone, the dominant tone would be best described as vehement. No matter what Henry says, he always proclaims everything with great emphasis and passion. Henry’s tone is evident when he asks the audience, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! […] give me liberty or give me death!” (83). When proclaiming those words, it is possible to visualize Henry standing before a crowd screaming for freedom though war. The success of Patrick Henry’s speech is mainly due to the enticing, enthusiastic tone that was conveyed to his listeners.
To perform a structural analysis on the word meta physician, one of the factors you would identify is the meaning of the word
"People can change for the better".
The excerpt supporting the theme i. e. "people can change for the better" because in the story of "a reformation" written by o' Henry shows that a person who commits many crimes can change himself if he decided to change. People are able to change themselves for their beloved just like in the story of reformation in which a person named Jimmy Valentine changed himself for his beloved.
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The word "absolutely" means something complete that is presented in its entirety in an integral way. Another meaning that this word has is the sense of independence. Something absolute is something that does not need to relate to anything, nor depend on anything for what it is.