Answer: Option (C)
The known key difference in between the leading and lagging strand can be described as that leading strand is referred to as DNA strand, that tends to grows continuously during the process of DNA replication on the other hand lagging strand is known as DNA strand, which tends to grow discontinuously by formulating the segments referred to as the Okazaki fragments.
O'Hara Marine Co.
Depreciation Expense is:
a) Data and Calculations:
sales = $75,500;
costs = $35,200;
addition to retained earnings = $9,580;
dividends paid = $8,420;
interest expense = $2,620;
tax rate = 23 percent
Net Income:
addition to retained earnings = $9,580;
dividends paid = $8,420
Total net income = $18,000
Pre-tax Income = $18,000/0.77 = $23,377
Income tax (23%) of $23,377 = $5,377
After Tax Income = $18,000 ($23,377 - 5,377)
sales = $75,500
costs = $35,200
Gross profit = $40,300
Less interest (2,620)
Less net income (23,777)
Depreciation = $13,903
B) Incurable
The convenience store is working legally in front of your house, and unless you have enough money to buy the whole business and close it, then you cannot do anything about it. That is what incurable means in real estate: the costs of improvements or corrections necessary are higher than the value that is added by the improvement or cure.
That is probably the reason why the house is so cheap and Maria can afford it.