The addition of the Bill of Rights shortly after the Constitution was adopted
Because the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, and the fact that Bill of Rights in the United States helps to protect human rights, including the protection of privacy and liberties.
Hence, when a Georgian, Gazette of the State of Georgia, November 15, 1787, described the lapses of the federal constitution, it was clamoring for a bill of rights that was later ratified.
Primary sources help us learn about people in the past because you are learning about events that occurred from people that were there to actually witness it. You get first-hand information passed to you whether it's via your grandparents, a journal, or a letter. From primary sources you can also learn about the ways people lives were. You are informed about their culture, religion, foods, and clothing. Differing from secondary sources, you are not reading or listening to information about the past, or even present, that is biased and has edited or opinionated information included.
C. Former Soviet President Gorbachev
I think it’s racial equality