Perky, high-spirited, cheery, bubbly. Those are just some word that mean the same thing.
I'd say a restaurant where it doesn't cost as much for alot of people or take them to a fast food restaurant in my opinion.
this would be dialgoue and narration
<h3>What is
the act or process of telling a story a recounting of events, especially in chronological order, as in a poem's story or a drama's exposition
A narrator is the person who recounts the events. Narrators in stories can be trustworthy or untrustworthy. For example, if a story is told by someone who is insane, lying, or deluded, as in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart," that narrator would be considered untrustworthy. A narrative is the name given to the account.
We'll go over three types of narration in a moment: first person, second person, and third person. Each serves a distinct function. Narration examples include Sherlock Holmes. But, before we get into some narration examples, it's important to understand the difference between a narrative and narration.
To know more about narration follow the link:
Funk,Soul and Rhythm and blues.
The basic lines for professional conduct are: Have a positive attitude, being on time (If your early, you're on time. If you're on time, your late.), and maintaining a cool and crisp appearance. Someone is always looking at you, so you have to look your best.
Confidentiality is an important thing. You must never repeat what someone tells you, if they trust you enough to tell you.
Diversity is a great thing, and you must respect it. Don't ever think less of a person just because of the color of their skin.