Gene, as such traits are passed down through genes
Working a side job at nights or on the weekends
The scientific mrthod is a process used by scientists to find answers to a question or to solve a problem. No there isn't just one because there are several versions of the scientific method. Some versions have more steps, while others may have only a few. Scientists can add steps, take out steps, revise, or make models.
The correct answer is NUTRIENT CONTENT CLAIM
In markets you have seen a lot of fast food items which are labelled with tag in which nutrients composition along with their quantity in gram is also mentioned. It tells about the nutrients variety and their quantity. This is a nutrient content claim.
e. derived characters
Any characteristic change which is transfer to the new species from ancestors but is different from the original character. It will be called as derived character.
But if the same character is transfer from ancestor to the new species this will called as ancestral character.