Biotic and Abiotic factors
Biotic factors such as predators can limit the population size.
Abiotic factors such as drought,torrential rainfalls,climate change,dessication etc.
In the given question, the options are not provided in the question and neither they are found anywhere therefore based on the previous knowledge this can be answered.
Since both the prokaryotes and eukaryotes are living therefore they perform the metabolism or chemical reactions in the form of process.
Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes perform almost similar process like the cellular respiration, photosynthesis by green colored organisms, the Central dogma related process like the replication, transcription and translation.
The central dogma related processes differ in these process only in terms of the site they are performed and a few modifications which are characteristics of the eukaryotic cells.
In prokaryotes, the transcription and translation are coupled and takes place in the cytosol whereas in eukaryotes transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytosol.
Also in eukaryotes, modifications like the splicing, alternative splicing, capping and tailing are observed which are not observed in the prokaryotes.
The correct option is lamprey.
Lamprey is a kind of fish which lack jaws. They lack a true skeleton, but the cartilage is present in them. Due to lack of proper backbone, they look similar to snails. The lamprey reproduces by laying eggs in the water. Larvae tend to develop from these eggs. The lamprey releases its eggs only in freshwater. Only the mature lamprey live in the sea to act as a parasite and take food. For laying eggs, it travels to freshwater.
The foxes would have brown fur all year long.
The foxes would have brown fur all year because the change in the environment will not occur. If the change not occur in the climatic conditions, then the foxes did not change the colour of the fur so the brown colour remains for all year long. The colour of fur changes when the change in climate occurs so if there is no change in the climate so change occur in fur colour of foxes.
If they're more diverse they adapt faster to changing conditions meaning the population is less likely to diminish in the event of a change in their ecosystem.