Women and children would be forced to work for little-to-no money ?
You should never throw an aerosol can onto a fire or leave it in direct sunlight – even if it is empty. This is because the pressure will build so up so much that the can will burst (and explode if there is a naked flame nearby). There are two reasons for the pressure going up:
the gas pressure increases
more of the liquefied propellant turns into a gas.
Let's look at these in more detail.
<3 your welcome
Personaje en la obra Personaje real
El cerdo Napoleón Iósif Stalin
El cerdo Snowball León Trotski
El cerdo Squealer Propaganda de la URSS: periódico Pravda
El caballo Bóxer Dos interpretaciones: Minero Alekséi Stajánov Trabajadores del campo y de las fábricas de la Unión Soviética
The polar region is located near the poles.