D. As you should quote the author and their page number in most cases.
In my personal opinion art is a little easier than science since im more on the creative side :)
There are three types of balance which are symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and approximate balance. Symmetrical balance is where the artwork is evenly placed with its balance. Asymmetrical balance is where it’s not evenly placed with balance. Approximate balance is where the piece of artwork has balance using the other elements of art like colors, lines, shapes and more, but doesn’t have any identical areas or objects within the artwork
<h2>Hello, Hope this can help you </h2>
The golden ratio is a classical, organic proportion that exists within nature. It can be easily identified within the spiral architecture of a shell, the pattern of the seeds in a sunflower or in the tip of a bourgeoning fernshoot, to give a few examples.