For both ectotherms and endotherms, metabolic rate tends to increase as mass increases
As the masses of the dinosaurs increase, how do their metabolic rates change? How does this compare to living animals?
>> As with living animals, the higher a dinosaur’s mass, the higher its metabolic rate.
Goiters are often produced in the Thyroid. Goiters is an enlarged thyroid gland. Goiters are believed to be painless, but Goiters make it difficult for the victim to breathe and swallow food. Goiters are caused by lack of iodine in one's diet. Treatment of Goiters depends on its size, some Goiters go away without any treatment while some goiters are treated through surgery.
The intestinal villi crypts will make a wave area on the intestine wall so it will broaden the surface area of intestine. When the surface area of intestine become broader, intestine will absorb more food.