The climax of the story takes place when Odysseus, Telemachus and two servants attack and kill all the suitors. At one point Odysseus calls on Athena, wondering how he will be able to bring the suitors to their just punishment.
An index is an example of A.) A primary source
Hope this helps!
To center text, you would have to look up at the tools on the bar above the doc after highlighting the text you want centered. Looking at the bar, there will be only one icon with lines and a arrow facing downwards. If you hover on it it says align, and if you click on it, 4 icons with different set lines will appear. Hovering on the second icon will say center align, and clicking on it will center your text.
I think I did a good job wording it...
Unlike most animals, they're enjoyable. They don't do anything but sing til they die. They're calm, peaceful, and beautiful. Mockingbirds are nothing but amazing. It's a sin to kill a mockingbird just like it's a sin to kill a unicorn. To kill something so pure and harmless is horrible. That's why it's a sin to kill a mocking bird.
i hope this helps :^)