When returning chamberlain declared " peace with honor , peace of our time"
Answer 1 : Chamberlian
Answer 2 Churchhill when coming into office was greatly opposed
I hope I helped
The Townshend Acts, which taxed colonial imports of glass, lead, paint, paper and tea, was one of the most hated laws. The difference in the Townshend Act and navigation act is that the Townshend Act was implemented strictly to use the tax revenues to pay royal governor salaries in the colonies. The Salaries were initially paid by colonial assemblies, which gave an advantage to governors. John Adams thought this would make the royal governor separate from the people. The people, as well as judges and sheriffs, had elected the Coercive Acts passed in 1774, which gave the royal governor the authority to appoint the colony legislative counsel, nut up to that point.
In the postwar era, African Americans worked to balance their fight for democracy during the war with the unequal traditions at home. They fought for full equality, desegregation, civil and political rights and increased presence in American society.