A physical change is basically a body change so like if a crayon is solid then sits in the sun for a long time it melts away that’s a physical change because it changes its physical appearance
Fatigue in skeletal muscles typically develops during repeated shortening contractions, as during walking or running. However, most experimental fatigue studies have analysed isometric muscle contractions, were the muscle generates force at a constant length.
That's true. There is little variety among organisms found in pools, pounds and lakes. Despite that fact that many ponds are seasonal, lasting just a couple of month (for exemple sessile pools) while lakes can exist for more than hundred years. Lakes and ponds have limited species diversity because they are often limited from each other and from other water sources like rivers, seas and oceans.
<em />It's radiocarbon dating because in the previous question it says that she is trying to find the amount of carbon-14 and carbon-12 in the fossil