Their geography made growing crops difficult. The land was mountainous. They were however, known for growing grapes and olives.
He wasnt an actor, he was a priest.
Answer: i think its cultural diffusion
Explanation: :)
Answer2:If there are no restrictions on the power of the elected representatives the leaders might misuse the powers given to them. The Constitution provides safeguards against this misuse of power by our political leaders. The Consitution lays down rules that guard the citizens against the misuse of power.
Answer:The constituent assembly is an assembly of chosen representatives who gather to draft a constitution. It is also called the constitution assembly. As the constitution is the fundamental document for the functioning of the state, it cannot be amended or modified by the normal legislature procedures. It is done by a constitutional convention or constituent assembly and rules and procedures for the same are also written down in the constitution.
Diese politische Karikatur von 1924 zeigt, wir die SPD-Politiker Philipp Scheidemann (vorne mit Dolch) und Matthias Erzberger (dahinter), den Soldaten "in den Rücken fallen". Mit derDolchstoßlegende sollte die Schuld an der Niederlage des Deutschen Reiches im Ersten Weltkrieg auf die Sozialdemokraten abgewälzt werden