It was a mixture of various reasons, although for the Spanish and Portuguese it was a question of reaching India for spice trades after the embargo instated on them by the Ottoman Turks.
The Portuguese went around Africa, and the Spanish tried sailing west across the barren ocean, and accidentally discovered America through Columbus.
of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line.
We are a Calvinist colony, one that believes in hard work and determination for a better life. In this colony, you will be able to finally celebrate your religion with others who also want too! You will be far away from the Catholic forces looking to take over our Calvinist country, Netherlands. Here you will be safe and sound free to practice your religion, even with no Jesuits there trying to convert you. In our colony, we work to do the best, and this can only be done with the Pre-Destination that was decided by our God.
Meanwhile, Sir Mordred<span> had found </span>Arthur<span>, his father, and told him what had happened. .... King </span>Arthur<span>soon fell ill over the conflict </span>between<span> Gawaine and Launcelot, ... incestuous </span>relationship<span> and because he attempted to marry his father's wife.</span>