The ottomans because constantine named the byzantine empire's capital constantinople before the capital was renamed istanbul
One of the main reasons for this is in order to stop losing support for the war effort. As was seen in the espionage act and the sedition act, talking disloyally about the war effort was seen as treason and people would be punished for such things. This was because the government did not want the people to sabotage the effort and to prevent others from supporting the war effort.
You should object to such laws because they infringe on first amendment rights since they are limiting your freedom of speech. Thanks to supreme court action, such laws would not be passed today because they would be unconstitutional since people have the right to criticize their government in a democratic country.
supporters of slavery in the South
Why did Southerners support the Kansas-Nebraska Act? The Popular Sovereignty clause in the Act meant the territories might allow slavery and enter the Union as slave states. The population increased greatly as settlers flooded into the territory from both free states and slave states.
He encouraged Americans to unite together. D
You have to explain so where is that article we have to wait