I am completely sure that <span>according to Nancy, the time required to develop a new product has decreased because of the increased use of CAM software. CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing) is the application that is needed to enhance manufacturing by linking computer numerical control (CNC) machines to control production process automatically. It improves manufacturing control because it's fully automated.</span>
HTTP stands for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol" and is used for transferring readable documents across the internet. This matches the action "You visit a website"
POP3 stands for "Post Office Protocol 3" and is used for reading e-mail. This matches to the action "You check email in your inbox"
SMTP stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", and is used for sending email. This matches the action "You send an email to a friend".
FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol", and is used for transferring files to and from other machines. This matches the action "You transfer a text document", although truthfully that description is so vague it actually matches all four of the given protocols.
Since you put "Sum" it will add
global positioning system
If a network packet has no header it is most likely that the router would have no destination for the payload. The header of the IP packet contains all the necessary information to deliver the packet, including source IP address, destination IP address, length of the packet, version of IP protocol....
So, if the router does not have this information it would not know where to deliver the packet. Correct answer: A