One computer part is the CPU, it’s a piece of hardware the last allows your computer to access and interact all the applications and programs. The first ever CPU chip was invented around 4 decades ago. The keyboard is another computer part and it allows the user to type letters and numbers. There are about 104 keys on a keyboard and there are different parts in it. Some of the parts include, control keys, function keys, navigation keys, numeric keypad, and so on. A mouse is another device used with the keyboard to position the cursor. It’s a hand held device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated Into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user. Memory is a device to store all of your information and saved data. The motherboard is the backbone that tied together the computers components at one spot.
text effects, and typography.
Boolean is one of the primitive data types that will only hold either true or false value. This data type is commonly used in a variable that will track a status with only two possible outcomes.
For example, the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field is to track the payment status (paid or unpaid) of a participant. So, declare the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field as boolean data type will meet its purpose.
boolean ParticipantPD = true;
boolean ParticipantPD = false;
evaluation of decision effectiveness
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario she is in the stage of evaluation of decision effectiveness. This is the stage after the decision has been made in which the individual begins to analyze the decision and determine whether the decision was as effective as originally anticipated , and whether or not it was the correct decision.