The benefit received from paying less for a good than the maximum amount that the person is willing to pay for it. Thus, if a person is willing to pay up to $3 for something, but the market price is $1, then the net economic benefit for that item is $2.
Studied the digestive system for two decades. Received the Nobel Peace Prize for Psychology in 1904. Discovered classical conditioning with his work on salvation of dogs.Unconditioned Stimulus<span>Stimulus that naturally triggers response</span>
The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution.
The principle that modern democracies share with ancient Athens is that people should have a voice in government (D). Not only were citizens (adult male citizens) given the right to vote, but they debated and voted on a wide variety of issues that affected many different aspects of Athenian life, as members of the so-called Assembly of Demos (Assembly "of the People"). This aspect of Athenian Democracy, which gave citizens the opportunity to speak, debate, and decide about the government of their city is the one that modern democracies share. Although there are examples of this form of direct democracy, such as the Swiss "Landsgemeinde" or cantonal assemblies, most modern democracies are, for practical reasons, representative.