Ancient Rome had a profound impact on the development of culture today. Ancient Rome was known as the Roman Republic and was cha
racterized by having a democratic form of government. The Roman Republic later changed to a dictatorship and became the Roman Empire, a period of time in which Rome covered much territory in Europe, the Middle East, and even North Africa. Christianity became an important part of Rome once it became an empire and continued to expand in influence even after the fall of Rome. The Roman Catholic Church had a great deal of political, intellectual, and spiritual power throughout Europe, which it retained up until the Reformation. Ancient Rome also influenced the Romance languages spoken throughout much of Europe. Romance languages are languages that formed out of Latin, which was the main language of Ancient Rome. Romance languages include Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. A. Roman culture influenced the development of Western Civilization.
B. The development of the Romance languages has its basis in the Roman Republic.
C. Ancient Rome has greatly influenced modern forms of government.
D. The Catholic Church's role was important in territories of the Roman Empire.
I'm not exactly sure what the question is but I'm going to say that the answer is: <span>A. Roman culture influenced the development of Western Civilization.