Roger Williams was a man of integrity. He therefore stood with his principles. He was therefore adamant in his criticism and rejection of the Church of England. John Winthrop's Church in Boston had on the other hand remained reluctant to out rightly and openly reject the Church of England. He therefore refused to serve it.
For Germany the treat of Versailles dealt them a heavy hand. They were imposed land, economic and military restraints as well as forced to pay a great deal of the reparations cost for countries like France. Whom during world war one had received heavy damages.
More specific on territory, Germany's land were split between different nations. Such as the Rhineland which they were prohibited from occupying after losing the war.
Hope it somewhat helps :)
King Charles IX ordered the murder of Huguenot Protestant leaders after the failed assassination attempt by his mother
So, King Charles of France was influenced by his mother, Catherine de Medici to have the leaders of the Huguenots killed in order to "stop a rebellion" after her failed attempt to have Admiral Gaspard de Coligny killed. Charles was trying to apease the Huguenots upset by promising to have the assassination attempt investiagated, when his mother told him the Huguenots were on the brink of rebellion to derail investigations. Charles gave the go-ahead for the murder of the leaders which were all gathered in Paris for a wedding and the bloodshed began. Catholic Parisans attacked the Huguenots and even when a order from the King to stop the bloodshed was issued, it fell on deaf ears. Over 70,000 Huguenots were killed throughout France and it is mainly regarded as the revival of the relgious civil war of France.
Hope this helps
Asia, Africa, South America, North America, Australia, Antarctica, and Europe
Silence = death is the answer