D. Voters participate in elections to choose their representatives in
Go to vote is the most important thing in a country's democracy because voters choose their representatives in government.
These representatives make the country's law, these laws may affect positively at the voters directly or indirectly.
If these representatives are not sufficiently prepared, or they just want to get the government for their benefit, this may cause a problem for democracy and society.
<em>C. His original objective in his 1492 voyage was to find a westerly route to the Orient. He never reached the Orient.
"Christopher Columbus" was an Italian explorer and a navigator. His voyage in 1492 was an endeavor to reach the Orient using the shortest path.
Columbus failed to reach the Orient and reached Indies, partly due to some error and partly due to the thought process. This route was shorter than the original route by approximately 7000 miles.
Columbus and his cruise had landed on islands surrounding Asia uncertain of the region where they landed. It is said that they stepped on the Watling Island.
It is the Magna Carta , a charter agreed to by King John of England June 15 1215.