Use context to determine the meaning of the words in bold. (4 points i thought this was true, and now i know i was wrong. i made
this decision, and now i acknowledge it. i created this situation for others, and now i regret it. i said these words, and now i want to take them back.
Luckily for you I'm taking the same test and have the answer
Avow means to confess. In the bold sentence, Which you should have put in the question, If he is avowing, or confessing that does not mean he feels sorry more than likely it doesn't mean that he is wrong, it doesn't mean that he wants to take his words back, it means that he is ACKNOWLEDGING his decision making the correct answer B. i made this decision, and now i acknowledge it, the closest answer to confession.
It is really dificult for someone to arrive at this conclusion and regret situations that might affect others negatively, and then acknoledge his/her mistake. As a result this person decides to make amends, correct any wrongs and follow another direction. This takes courage, humility and being honest with oneself and others, as well as genuine desire to create a better relationship and communication with people.
Our actions are not wrong because there is an ethical difference between treating people as a means and treating them merely as a means to achieve some end. This is the concept behind the Kantian ethics also referred to as means to end principle.