The ability to choose one's career is related to a nation's broad economic goals in that it reflects individual freedom in relation to the economic system. The ability for individuals to freely choose their work is an individual freedom, that also reflects the level of potential entrepreneurship potentially but not explicitly. The same with ingenuity, a high degree of ingenuity could exist where individual freedom is present in the selection of employment, but it is not a prerequisite or a definite outcome.
Here is the answer. When an observer is located at the local raisin see raisins 1,2 and 3 move away from her during the video, what the observer located at raisin 2 would see is that r<span>aisin 1 and Raisin 3 both move away from her. Hope this answers your question. Have a great day!</span>
Answer: Although modern Western ideas about romantic love owe a certain amount to the classical Greek and Roman past, they were filtered through the very different culture of the European Middle Ages. One can trace the concepts which dominated Western thinking until recently to the mid-12th Century. Before that time, European literature rarely mentions love, and women seldom figure prominently. After that time, within a decade or two, all has changed. Passionate love stories replace epic combat tales and women are exalted to almost god-like status. Simultaneously, the Virgin Mary becomes much more prominent in Catholic devotions, and emotionalism is rampant in religion.
The pioneers of this shift in sensibility seem to have been the troubadours, the poets of Provence (now Southern France). Provençal is a language related to French, Italian and Spanish, and seems to have facilitated the flow of ideas across the often ill-defined borders of 12th-Century Europe. It has often been speculated that Arabic poetry may have influenced their work by way of Moorish Spain. Although this seems likely, it is difficult to confirm.
Explanation: Once the basic themes are laid down by the troubadours, they are imitated by the French trouvères, the German Minnesingers (love poets) and others. Thus, even though the disastrous 13th-Century Albigensian crusade put an end of the golden age of the troubadours, many of their ideas and themes persisted in European literature for centuries afterward.
Answer:Mindfulness Meditation
In Mindfulness meditation attention is paid to the surroundings i.e. where we are, what are we doing, sounds around us or thoughts i.e. quality of being Present. This Promotes calmness and a nonreactive state of mind by Practicing it regularly.
Here also client experiences match with the outcomes of mindfulness meditation i.e. calmness and high level of focus
Because Their military was not as strong as it used to.
The kings of Rome often had a lot of children. In a lot of cases, these kings decided to divide the empire into several parts and give each part to their children when they grew up. Since this happened over several generations, Roman territory keep getting smaller and their military forces started to became divided.
Foreign invaders saw this as an opportunity. They have no chance defeating the Romans when they're at the peak of their power. But things became a lot of easier after they're divided.