A trademark is a sign, symbol, name, or short phrase that indicates the source of a product or service.
Face you can talk to friends post picture's and see pictures of friends i am not really sure what is linkedln
An operating system is something that controls the functions of an application software(app). The app does specific tasks for the end-user; the end user is someone who is, or is supposed to, use a product. The app uses API to request services from the operating system. If the user is interacting direct with software, it is an application software.
Click the Word Count in the Proofing Group. Maybe the name is the Bottom ribbon tab
d. IPv4 Address is associated with the globe IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe
The adapter setting will be associated with the global IP address. When Ipconfig command is operate the IP address finds the relevant domain and then address will use a different subnet. The network will use both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets in order to execute the command.