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The asnwer is in fact A. They made new systems for labor which were tenant farming and sharecropping.
b) During the war, the U.S. claimed Guam, Wake Island, and parts of the Samoan Islands.
The War of 1898 was a war between the United States and Spain. It is more commonly known as Spanish- American War of 1898. It was a conflict between Spain and US that put an end to the Spanish colonial rule in America.
Americans recognized independence and freedom from The Philippines, Cuba and Spanish colonials. During the war, the US navy ship named U.S.S. Maine exploded at the Havana Harbor in Cuba.
There was no popular demands for Guam, Wake Island and parts of Samoan Islands.
Sir Francis Drake is an English sea captain and privateer. He lived during the Elizabethan era ( Nov 17, 1558 – Mar 24, 1603 ) and died in January 27, 1596 due to a disease called, " dysentery ."