Insurances are basically Ponzi schemes as we, as the insured, pay the insurance company our premiums in return for insurance against some sort of event. But to get back to the point yes you should compare prices of other companies, as well as the actual service, coverage, and premium they have as at the end of the day they are a corporation and their goal is to use you and your money because insurance is a Ponzi scheme but one that we all use and help those who don't have the money to cover for emergencies and disaster, not to mention it is required to drive your car legally.
When reading a graduated cylinder, a proper way to do it is to read at the level of the lower or upper meniscus. It is the curve formed at the upper part of a particular liquid that is close the surface of its container. This is caused by the surface tension. It can be in a concave or convex form depending on the characteristics of the liquid. It is important especially in performing laboratory experiments as it indicates the true level of the liquid in the container. When reading from apparatus, the lower meniscus or the upper meniscus is taken as the correct reading otherwise you would record a wrong data.
Papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass - the four great inventions of ancient China-are significant contributions of the Chinese nation to world civilization.
If some one gets shot with cupids arrow they get love sick or fall in love.