In the wake of King's assassination in 1968 riots broke out in more than one hundred cities across the United States as people grieved; James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4th 1968, when King had come to Memphis in support of a labor strike.
I think the correct answer is the second option. The type of government that passes laws to protect the rights of the citizens would be pluralism. In this system, the diversity in the people in the government is being recognized and affirmed. All of the laws are aimed at protecting and keeping a harmonious coexistence of the differences.
There are three main ways African religions communicate with the supernatural. Brief description to each is found below.
Supreme God
They worshipped the Supreme God through constant communion with lesser deities and ancestral spirits. This is done by performing libation or sacrifice — offering animals, vegetables, food, flowers and other precious materials.
This is the term given when consulting to oracular deities. There are a lot of techniques on casting divination, but actual practice is done with small objects e.g. bones, shells, stones, leathers or wood pieces.
Cyclical nature of reality
Believing that nature is an integral part of their religion. So, all natural phenomena is thought to be responsible for their daily needs. This encloses aspects such as tides, moon, rain, day, sun, stars, etc.
The untied states receives nearly all Its Imports from China