Who was Sargon of Akkad?
Sargon of Akkad was an ancient Mesopotamian ruler who reigned from 2334 bc to 2279 bc, one of the earliest great empire builders.
What was/were his major strengths?
He was an outstanding military leader and a charismatic ruler which can be seen since they spoke legends for millennia to come about the king that beat every uprising against him.
Identify two of Sargon of Akkad’s achievements and two of his failings as an empire builder.
During his rule there were many roads constructed and the invention of the first postal service.
He failed because he built an empire so large that it could not be controlled like a smaller empire could. Many people revolted and every time they did he would crush them without reforming thus giving new rebels a reason to revolt.
What important changes occurred as a result of Sargon’s rule?
He is considered as the founder of Mesopotamian military tradition and he established the first Semitic dynasty in the region.
The correct answer is D: Noth America, Europe and Africa. This system consisted in exporting commodities that were not necessary in an specific region and that probably was needed in another one. For example, America would export sugar, tobacco and cotton to Europe, while Europe would export textiles, rum and manufactured goods to Africa; and the last one would export slaves to America.
Walking upright with two feet defines the bipedalism among the hominid and make them different from the four legs apes. This theory was given in 1920 when they found a small skull approximately three-million-year-old and it indicated that it held its head erect.
One of the reasons that made them stand in two legs might have been the change in the climate. Climate change made Africa a more seasonal environment, which became difficult for a hominid to find food. By walking with two feet they were able to travel fast and were able to use their hands to collect and carry food from one place to another.
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