factors such as:
- unemployment
- education level
- gender
- income
- household size
contribute to the lack of basic services
b. Be signed by the payee
Negotiability is one of the concept of commercial paper. A commercial paper refers to a contract in which money will be paid.
Negotiability is document that is written and signature appended by the maker or drawer which contains an unconditional order or promise to pay fixed sum of money upon delivery at a certain time and made to the bearer.
An example of a negotiable instrument is a cheque which can be signed a number of times by different people involved in the deal.
The requirements for negotiability are;
Be payable to order or bearer
Be payable on demand at a definite time
State a fixed amount of money
Be an unconditional promise or order to pay
Be in writing
Signed by the maker or drawer
The Birth of a nation was a film that depicted black men as super predators who were out to r*pe white women and as a result a danger to them. It's release led to a drastic increase in Ku Klux Klan membership and subsequent violence toward black men.
The Birth of Nation didn't create the racist tropes about black men it used. It did heavily influence a generation of white men and encourage the spread of these tropes.
Strangers and Minors i think i Could be wrong