this rock has a non-banded pattern
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans ... Most of the time, the photosynthetic process uses water and releases the ... six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide produce one ... Absorption and transmission of different wavelengths of light by a hypothetical pigment.
It would infect the host as if it were the full strength version of the "germ".
The primary limitation on the size to which a single cell can grow is a mathematical principle called the surface to volume ratio. As the size of a three-dimensional object grows, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface does, which causes metabolic problems for cells.
Glad To Help, From: JaxyBear :)
The right answer is D.
Gene therapy is a method of introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into the cells of an organism to correct an abnormality, such as a mutation, causing a pathology.
It is often a question of bringing a normal and functional gene (transgene) into a cell where the present gene is altered.
Another method can bring RNA capable of partially regulating or blocking the expression of an altered gene.