Hermine "Miep" Gies (née Santrouschitz; 15 February 1909 – 11 January 2010) (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmip ˈxis]), was one of the Dutch citizens who hid Anne Frank, her family (Otto Frank, Margot Frank, Edith Frank-Holländer) and four other Dutch Jews (Fritz Pfeffer, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels) ...
Lee Harvey Oswald
According to Wikipedia and History.com
Five government investigations concluded that Oswald shot and killed Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository
Market Economy is the economy that is the most commonly used in the United States such as grocery stores and restraunts
Command economy is a Economy completely runned by the government Countries who have one is North Korea, and Cuba
Traditional is a non timed pasted economy system that mainly the American Amish use
Capitalism includes many freedoms including freedom of the press. Unfortunately, Communism doesn't. Since Communism is when the Government owns all means of production, which includes the production of live Television and network shows and movies, it controls all the Television. Since it controls Television, networks must follow what the Government says such as rules, regulations, and orders. There is little freedom because if the Government does not like the program or show, or the network breaks the rules, the person running that network could be punished, fired, or worse. This is because the Government owns the Networks, Channels, and Television, not the Free Enterprise.
I can go into more detail if you do not understand ok, I have done serious research on this sort of topic.
The correct answer is A) They took control of neighboring nations by force. Hope this helps someone out there. :)