The correct answer is b. no additional nucleotides would be added to a growing strand containing that nucleotide.
Nucleotides without a 3’hydroxy group are called dideoxynucleotides (ddNTD). Dideoxynucleotides are inhibitors of DNA polymerase because after being added in PCR reaction no further nucleotides can be added as no phosphodiester bond can be created (usually 3' hydroxyl group of the previous nucleotide attaches to 5' phosphate of the current nucleotide).</span>
Answer: In the restaurant business, the use of plastic can sometimes be unpreventable, as it serves many purposes and plays a vital role in our consumption of food. One of the great advantages of plastic is that it’s designed to last for a very long time: nearly all of the plastic ever created still exists in some form today. It is in use all around us — from protecting products, to the interior of our cars, to preserving food, to the medical devices used in hospitals every day. While there are numerous positive characteristics of plastic, there are also some considerable negatives. Every day, many plastic items are only used once and then are thrown away, generating one of the fastest growing problems for the environment. We call this “single-use plastic.”
There are countless amounts of plastic items in our landfills and additionally, in our lakes, rivers and oceans. Since it takes years and years for plastic to decompose, it can release toxic chemicals into our soil and water, which can affect human health and wildlife.
With this in mind, it is important not only for individuals to reduce their plastic use, but for restaurants to lead in example by reducing the amount of plastic generated in the workplace. Many large companies like Starbucks, IKEA, and Disney have already committed to eliminating single-use plastic waste in the near future, and we expect many others will follow suit. Here are five tips to help contribute to reducing plastic waste:
<h2>Second law of thermodynamics</h2>
- Living organisms are highly organizational and therefore it seems that it feeds from “negative entropy” or, by other words, maintaining and getting to a stationary condition where the entropy level is low.
- Nevertheless it is necessary to understand that the proper definition of the second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of an adiabatically isolated system never decreases.
- In this context a living cell or organism is not an isolated system, since it gets the nutrients from the exterior, that is, there is an exchange of heat or matter with the environment, and by doing so, we have to consider the system as an open one, together with its environment, restoring the balance to the universe in an increase of entropy, or by other words, increase of disorder.