Out of the three movements, the independence of India was the one that required the least amount of fighting. India achieved its independence in a peaceful manner through the adoption of the ideas of civil disobedience. However, although the process of independence was initially peaceful and led to a straight-forward retreat of the British, its aftermath was more complicated. In the aftermath of independence, India was fragmented into India and Pakistan, with Bangladesh separating from Pakistan later on.
In the case of Latin America, there were several movements that took place at different times. However, several of this were unified thanks to the figure of Simon Bolivar. The conflicts that took place were a lot more violent than those of India. Moreover, fragmentation was also more significant, as these resulted in the creation of several new countries.
Finally, the independence of the United States took place much earlier than these other independence movements. The independence of the Thirteen Colonies was one of the earliest movements for independence to take place. However, it did not lead to the creation of a country. Instead, it led to the creation of a union or a confederacy of several separate colonies, united through some common ties and documents, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
On 22 June 1941, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union. Stalin was confident that the total Allied war machine would eventually stop Germany,
and with Lend Lease from the West, the Soviets stopped the Wehrmacht some 30 kilometers (or 18.6 miles) from Moscow. Over the next four years, the Soviet Union repulsed Axis offensives, such as at the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, and pressed forward to victory in large Soviet offensives, such as the Vistula–Oder Offensive.
The bulk of Soviet fighting took place on the Eastern Front—including a continued war with Finland—but it also invaded Iran (August 1941) in cooperation with the British and late in the war attacked Japan (August 1945), with which the Soviets had border wars earlier up until in 1939.
Bag check and shoe check and Having to go through a metal detector and being very precautious that it won't happen also the piolet locking the door so no one is able to get in
According to the text The Organization Man written by William H. Whyte, Jr., the conflict between American individualism and life in the organization is that individualism preaches that man should be responsible for his achievements, but life in the organization causes the individual to depend on other individuals to achieve some achievement.
William H. Whyte, Jr. describes life in the organization as a group of middle-class individuals who have a stable life that depends on the joint work of several people and that this joint work allows this economic and social stabilization. However, this set of individuals must be maintained, since the success of one depends on the work of the other. This goes entirely against American individualism, which encouraged each individual to pursue their own rise, whether social or economic, or even academic. This generates a conflict in the values of society that can generate contradictory concepts that show that you must be responsible for your success, however, you can see people who have a good life and are not the only ones responsible for their success.