To which part of your curriculum does this lesson relate.
Charlotte Danielson conceive the complexity of teaching and the cognitive demands it makes.
She developed the framework as a means to elevate clear and meaningful conversation about effective teaching practice.
Fibrous roots grow from the main stem of the plant and does not have a primary root like the taproot. They grow downward and outward, with repeating branches to form a mass of small roots.Dicots and monocots are the two classes of flowering plants. The majority of taproot systems are composed of dicots and conifers.
Tectonic plate movements, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and climate change have shifted wildlife habitats, wiped out large numbers of species, and created opportunities for the evolution of new species. Hope this helped!
Sand is granular and coarse meaning that water and nutrients can flow through it quite easily. Clay on the other hand has very fine particles that cling together to form a waterproof substance which traps/ stops any nutrients or water from moving down. Clay's also quite difficult for plants to get their roots into. Silt has a texture between clay and sand, meaning that it is the ideal substance as it allows the best water and nutrition movement in the soil. Most plants will grow best in silt, but there are some plants who are more adapted to living in sand (e.g. Marram grass) or clay.