The Civil War had a major impact on literature during this time period. The horrors of the war shook people up and created a more pessimistic outlook on life. This was one of the first wars that was photographed so people had images to look at even if they were not involved in the war itself. The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is definitely applicable in ths case.
Realism came into play in large part out of need as a result of the war. People had something to write about but did not at the time have the right "tool" to do it. Realism/realistic novel was that tool. Romanticism, which came before realism, did not lend itself to write about the new perspective of society post Civil War.
It can, because some people are ignorant and can’t take some opinions so they fight that its wrong.
1: she gets arrested
2: she gets disrespected
3: starts a movement
I was recently interviewed by a local publication that features a person who has had a defining moment in his/her life, a milestone moment which led to change in his/her perspective/lifestyle/goals. I described the moment when I went on my first mountain climb in 2012 as part of a spiritual climb that changed my life and started my love for the outdoors. I did it with my son in darkness, nothing distracting me except for the stars above. Every step was a prayer, every breath a worship.
2015 did not exactly get off to a good start as I had faced the first few days of the new year mourning the loss of a family member. I thought that it was a good opportunity for me to spend some time back into the arms of nature, contemplating life and some reflections to set the year ahead straight – just like my very first climb.