Answer: each of which consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
Answer:Rakesh asked grandfather that why did he like the cherry tree so much that he wanted to see it only ,when there were so many trees in the forest. Grandfather replied that the tree was special because they planted it themselves
Answer: C)
I would say that the correct answer is C). Since I cannot find the article that is missing in your question I would try to help you with my response.
Standard English is the most understandable way of writing and if the author is describing some important and serous information, they must be written with Standard English. Dialect is more hard for understanding.
The correct answer should be Collectivism
The excerpt claims that people were put down using words like we and working together. The excerpt claims that individualism was destroyed that way.
Be on time , Dont use your phone ,and photos and videos: think twice about taking them