In the sentence:Peace is _ours_ when we accept Christ as Saviour,"ours" is a prounoun.
Here are a few universal themes conveyed in this scene.
The battle of good and evil. Beowulf is a young warrior who wants to stop the terror of monsters. He is a paragon of good, just like Grendel's mother is a paragon of evil. She is an implacable force of evil, who tries to exterminate the hero who has dared challenge her.
Courage and self-sacrifice. Beowulf has many reasons to fear the furious monster who wants to avenge her son's death. Nevertheless, he enters the battle, fully aware that he is risking his life. His courage is one of his heroic traits, which separate him from other humans.
Magic and supernatural. First, there's the fact that Grendel's mother is living in a lake. Then, there's the ancient sword that seems to be the only way to kill this monster, even though it melts down after Beowulf has decapitated Grendel's corpse with it. Then, there's the fact that Beowulf somehow manages to survive under water, even though he is only a human.
Monkeys were helping Lord Rama build a bridge over the sea.
They were pulling out the rocks and heavy stones from the mountains and carrying them to the sea. A little squirrel was also carrying little pebbles from the mountains and throwing them into the sea. The squirrel came in the way
of a great monkey and he asked the little thing to get out of his way. The squirrel said that he wanted to work hard and help Rama to build the bridge.
Hearing this the great monkey laughed loudly. He made fun of the squirrel and told his comrades that the little thing was building a bridge with pebbles. And that it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.
The work of the squirrel was as important as the monkey's work.
He had less strength but he worked with devotion and made his best efforts to
help in making the bridge.
Topic : family :D
Family plays an essential role in human lives. It is said that a family is like a tree. There are many branches in the tree. Similarly, in a man’s life, there are many relations in a family such as his wife, his kids, and his parents all are living together. Family members share and discuss everything. They share equal parts of all the responsibilities in a family. In society, there is much need of a good family. It is because the good family makes the social good, and a good community can make a good nation.
Everyone wants a god family, where every member will understand each other better for everything. Even at many issues that happen with other family members, everyone will support each other and get a united family. Every member of the family become happier, and they don’t feel any tension about anything. It is because of the family behind those members. In modern times, people are busy and hardly have time for their family members. People are working and furthering their education among important things to lead a better life. However, a family needs to take some time for each other. Everyone needs to realize that there is nothing that is as essential as family. Also, it is essential to make sure that, you need to find some time to spend with the family members as a family.