Number one. “and baking French bread when I am in New Orleans” is faulty parallelism. Baking in New Orleans has nothing to do with then main idea, which is what (I) likes eating.
i do not know the answer but i know for sure its not AABA, my teacher just checked my work on odyssey ware and told me it was wrong.
inaccuracies of other scholars.
In the informative Essay by James Cross Giblin, of name: In The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, the author shows many achievements of the scholars who were studying the hieroglyphs and trying to understand them.
He says that <em>"A few genuine advances in understanding the hieroglyphs were made during the 1700s."</em>, but he doesn't stop there, since the he doesn't refrain from criticizing other scholars as you can see here:
<em>"For example, a Greek writer named Horapollo said correctly that the picture of a goose stood for the word "son." But then he explained that this was because geese took special care of their young, which was completely inaccurate."</em>
The one universal thing that makes people the same is that we all originated in modern day Africa, meaning we are all African. Which means there is no white and black, no lower and no higher. So, everyone is basically the same person here. Even though we have different faces, colors, backgrounds that all doesn't contribute to our distinctive homes. You can't call someone African just because they look brown or black you can call someone African because they were born with you in modern day Africa.