Answer:A luxury car is meant to be shown and only people that are rich could afford a luxury car but a normal car is what you see on a daily basis and it's still a car but a common one.
Answer: A. True
B. True
C. False
A. Both Mutual Savings Banks and Credit Unions are owned by the their depositors. Credit Unions are owned and operated by members for the purpose of creating banking services for themselves at a cheaper cost.
Mutual Savings Banks are also owned by members who felt that traditional banks did not favour them.
B. Demand Deposit accounts exist in both commercial banks and Credit Unions but with different names. In Commercial banks they are known as Checking accounts for the most part but Credit Unions call them Share Draft Accounts and members of the Union can use these accounts by writing drafts like Commercial banks allow cheques.
C. While Credit Unions were formed usually for people in the same organisations or people with a common bond, Mutual Savings Banks were generally meant to uplift the lower economic classes so they did not share a common bond as Credit Union members do.
Answer: The creation of a government set price for gasoline by ni government.
In 1970 president Nixon inteoduced a soft artificial price ceiling on gasoline in the United States. This was as a result of the OPEC crisis of 1970s. It is a good example of scenerios where the cost of government action outweighs the benefits. this was due to the creation of the government-set price which would cause the quantity demanded to be more than the quantity supplied because gasoline was cheaper now.
Answer: Reformation
Explanation: In simple words, reformation refers to a process in which something is changed in the current subject to set it again on the right path.
In the given case, the judge believes that the time period set for avoiding the competition is unusually long. Thus, they can reform the contract to make it suitable and justified for all the parties involved.