The answer is ethnocentrism.
Ethnocentrism is defined as the idea that one's own culture is superior to others, especially regarding aspects such as culture, language and customs.
The phenomenon is believed to be a learned behaviour. It can be explained because a person that has resided in a certain country or area for a long time has probably acquired its predominant values and ideas. This is called acculturation.
Ethnocentism in the extreme can lead to hostile attitudes towards out-groups and discrimination.
Travelling affects people in many ways. Many people spend time travelling in order to 'find themselves', while others seek the excitement out of their daily life. Travelling isn't always easy- it can be lonely, scary and the majority of the time you are out of your comfort zone. Many people who travel learn how to be alone, how to fend for themselves and adapt to difficult/scary situations. It can make people stronger mentally and physically. People learn how to rely on themselves as their family unit and social network is too far away. Travelling can be rewarding in many ways as eventually your mindset begins to change with regards to money, desires and views about the world. Whilst travelling you meet like-minded people and create beautiful memories that will stay with you forever.
Chagnon experienced a culture shock at the sight of the customs and social environment that the Yanomamo tribe of South America practiced and lived in.
- The extremely orthodox and bewildering practices that were followed by the people of the Yanomamo tribe disturbed anthropologist Chagnon.
- The conflicts among themselves and their habit of attacking each other was one reason that suffered a culture shock.
- He recorded the practices and the social environment of the tribe to be the strangest that he had ever experienced with any other tribe that he had come across.