The discovery of a sea route between Europe and Asia did all of the following ... the surrounding areas, trade between Europe and Asia came to a complete halt, ...
Canals and inland waterways, natural or artificial waterways used for ... The lay of the land (topography) and particularly changes in water levels ... inland waterway transport is still more economical than any other kind of transport.
First, we may wonder what Pangaea Ultima is? In simple terms, according to Geologist, Christopher Scotese, he hypothesized that the structure of our continent as we know today will be restructured or merged together into a single contiguous continent.
In regards to the Philippines, it is believed that it will be no longer a country but will be crushed and turned into <u>a mountain range</u> that will exist between Australia and Eurasia.
Thus, we can conclude that if the Philipines become a "mountain range", this will result in people's livelihood been affected; furthermore, they'll have to migrate to other countries, affecting transportation, biodiversity and even health because of the change in temperature.